Sunday, June 28, 2020

Amio goyenda: “Arka’r Goyendagiri”

Everyone who knows me knows that my primary reading (and these days listening to various YouTubers who fill the gap of Boju reading out to me) revolves around adolescent Bengali goyendas - Feluda, Deep Kaku, Mitin Mashi and Arjun. I was therefore pleasantly surprised to see a goyenda kahini featuring my namesake - Arka. The story is called “Arka’r Goyendagiri” by Manjil Sen. Coincidences don’t stop at having a namesake protagonist... the story kicks off near Deshapriya Park (that's c.2 mins from my childhood home in Lake Market). Now back to vacuuming and listening. 

Click on the photo to read the story or listen to it here.