Doordarshan and...
... Doordarshan' s Screensaver!
Malgudi Days
Dekh Bhai Dekh
Ramayan and Mahabharat
Bharath Ek Khoj
Alif Laila
Byomkesh Bakshi
Mile Sur Mera Tumhara
Surabhi : Renuka Sahane and Siddharth
Fauji and Circus were bigger hits than a certain SRK
and then were 'Mungerilal ke hasin sapane', '
Karamchand', 'Nukkad' and 'Vikram Betal'...
Cartoons meant He Man
...and Cricket meant Gavaskar and Kapil Dev.
Hockey was still the national sport
Salma Sultana was still reading news on DD...
... and we watched Turning Point
and The World This Week.
Advertisments were...
Vicco turmeric, Nahin cosmetic
yeh hai Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream
I'm a Complan Boy(Shahid Kapoor) and I'm a Complan Girl (Ayesha Takia)
Surf ki kharidari mein hi samajhdari hai
Washin powder Nirma, Washing powder Nirma Doodh si safedi, Nirma se aayi Rangeen kapde bhi khil khil jaaye
Truly, the world has changed and we also changed for the world! How did one survive growing up in the 80's?

and then were 'Mungerilal ke hasin sapane', '
Karamchand', 'Nukkad' and 'Vikram Betal'...

and The World This Week.
Advertisments were...

yeh hai Vicco turmeric ayurvedic cream

We had no seatbelts, no airbags. Cycling was like a breath of fresh air… (I got my first cycle when I was 5 years old complete with training wheels - and when I turned 13, I remember all my relatives pooled in money to buy me the latest rage - A shiny red Hero Ranger!) There were no safety helmets, knee pads or elbow pads, but still we raced arounf carefree… and we were fearless on our bicycles even when the brakes failed going downhill!

We walked to school, or sometimes we even rode our bicycle - at best took the school bus (the school bus rides are still those most remember most fondly!) - We had no mobile phones, but we always managed to find each other... How?

We did not have Play Stations, MP3, Nintendo's, I-Pods, Video games, 99 Cable TV channels, DVD's, Home Cinema, Home Computers, Laptops, Chat-rooms, Internet, etc ... BUT, we had REAL FRIENDS!!!! We called on friends to come out to play, never rang the doorbell, just went around the backdoor - We played with sticks and stones, played Chor-Police, hide and seek, soccer games, over and over again… and when we failed our exams we were given a second chance by simply repeating the same grade…without visiting psychiatrists, psychologists or counselors… Such were the days!
We had freedom, success, disappointments and responsibilities... Most of all, we learned to respect others. Are YOU from that generation? If that's the case, maybe this post will help you forget the stress that surrounds us these days and just for a few moments will put a smile to your faces as you remember what life was really like in the good old days - those were the days, eh? And here's a list of stuff that truly defines the generation - see how many apply to you and find out whether you too are getting old (like me!)...
1. Though you would not publicly acknowledge this now, but at the age of 5-8 years, you were very proud of your first “Bellbottom” or your first “Maxi” - False
2. Phantom & Mandrake were your only true heroes. You can also nod your heads to names like Tinkle, Chandamama, Champak, Lot-Pot, Nandan. The brainy ones read “Competition Success Review”. - True

5. The only “Holidays” you took were to go to your grandparents’ or your cousins’ houses. - True

7. Your father owned a Chetak or a Rajdoot. Your first family car (and the only one) was an Ambassador or a Fiat (Premier Padmini). This often had to be pushed by the entire family to get going. - True but the last part is thankfully false!
8. The glass windows in the back seats used to get stuck at the two-thirds down level and used to irk the hell out of you! The window went down only if your puny arm could manage the tacky rotary handle to pull it down. Locking the door was easy. You just whacked the other tacky, non-rotary handle downwards. - True
9. If your dad was the comfort-oriented kinds, you had a magnificent small fan upfront, below which screwed to the board was the cassette player - True

12. You had at least once heard “Hawa Mahal” on the radio, and used to look forward to “Binaca Geet Mala” from Ceylon Radio every Wednesday with the unforgettable Ameed Sayani voice - True
13. If you had a TV, it was normal to expect the neighborhood to gather around to watch the Chitrahaar (Wednesday) or the Sunday movie. If you didn’t have a TV, you just went to a house that had the TV. It mattered little if you knew the owners or not. - True
14. Sometimes the owners of these TVs got very creative and got a bi or even a tri-coloured anti-glare screen which they would attach with two side clips onto their Weston TVs. That was a make-do “colour TV”, and would confuse the hell out of you! - True!

17. You dreaded the death of any political leader because of the mourning they would announce on the TV. After all how much “Shashtriya Sangeet” can a kid take? Salma Sultana (with that big flower behind her ear) didn’t smile either during the mourning. - True

19. The only “Gadgets” in the house were the TV, the Two-in-one, the Fridge and the Mixie. - True
20. All the gadgets had to be duly covered with a crochet covers and sometimes even with ingenious, custom-fit plastic covers. - True

21. Movies meant Amitabh Bachchan. Before the start of the movie you always had to watch the obligatory “newsreel”. - True

24. School teachers, your parents and even your neighbours could whack you – and it was all okay. - True (but sad!)
25. Clicking a Photograph was a big thing. You were lucky if your family owned a camera (HotShot, perhaps). A reel of 36 exposures was valuable hence it justified the half hour preparation & “setting” & the “posing” for each picture. Therefore, you have at least one family picture where everyone is holding their breath and standing at attention! - True
Wow! 22.5/25 on that list were true for me... !
(Was sent this forward a few days back - enjoyed it so much that had to customize and post it...)