Let's start with the one which created quite a bit
of controversy for obvious reasons...
(Personally I think it was in bad taste.)
(Personally I think it was in bad taste.)

Tiger Woods won't like the next two at all...
It's ironical that with that name, WWF hasn't chosen
him as their brand ambassador... think about it -
his name comprises of the 2 most critical issues
that WWF ads address...

The next one was specially for India
(Click on the picture to know how you can help)

And this one should have been...

Sheer Genius!

This last one is my favourite for its sheer simplicity!

BTW, the MPCB (Maharashtra Pollution Control Board) has reminded me 5 times since morning that today is World Ozone Day via SMSes - I wish they would also come up with such clever creatives - maybe we could live in a greener India...